
Consectetur ipiscing elit tellus ullam corper mattis
Consectetur ipiscing elit tellus ullam corper mattis
Consectetur ipiscing elit tellus ullam corper mattis
Consectetur ipiscing elit tellus ullam corper mattis
Consectetur ipiscing elit tellus ullam corper mattis
Consectetur ipiscing elit tellus ullam corper mattis

Providing solutions of every kind

A Company involved in servicing, maintenance and repairs of engines, prime movers and exhaust gas turbochargers.
Start your next gain project
best services

Get best industrial services for your business

Consectetur ipiscing elit tellus ullam corper mattis
Consectetur ipiscing elit tellus ullam corper mattis
Consectetur ipiscing elit tellus ullam corper mattis
Consectetur ipiscing elit tellus ullam corper mattis
Consectetur ipiscing elit tellus ullam corper mattis
Consectetur ipiscing elit tellus ullam corper mattis
Our Services

Creative features from production industry

We solve worldwide industrial every problem of global landscape the industry.

Worldwide Manufacturing

Industry's standard dummy text ever since the when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled

Best Quality Service

The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or less normal distribution of letters

Experienced Workers

Literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia

Preparation of project documents

At the heart of the global landscape, the industry stands as a multidimensional force of progress driving.

Creation of a project with a team on time

At the heart of the global landscape, the industry stands as a multidimensional force of progress driving.

Completion of the project and payment

At the heart of the global landscape, the industry stands as a multidimensional force of progress driving.

We provide marvelous our industries services world's leading

Stands as a multidimensional force of progress driving.
Stands as a multidimensional force of progress driving.
Consectetur ipiscing elit tellus ullam corper mattis
Stands as a multidimensional force of progress driving.
Stands as a multidimensional force of progress driving.
Stands as a multidimensional force of progress driving.

Engr. Ahmed Goni Chowdhury

Chief Executive Officer

Engr. Ahmed Goni Chowdhury

Chief Executive Officer
<img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-29500" src="https://hayatisoft.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/csss-300x294.png" alt="" width="300" height="294" /> <h4>Let’s Get in Touch</h4> <form action="/istiak/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php#wpcf7-f4295-o1" method="post" novalidate="novalidate" aria-label="Contact form" data-status="init"><input name="_wpcf7" type="hidden" value="4295" /> <input name="_wpcf7_version" type="hidden" value="5.9.3" /> <input name="_wpcf7_locale" type="hidden" value="en_US" /> <input name="_wpcf7_unit_tag" type="hidden" value="wpcf7-f4295-o1" /> <input name="_wpcf7_container_post" type="hidden" value="0" /> <input name="_wpcf7_posted_data_hash" type="hidden" value="" /></form><input name="full-name" size="40" type="text" value="" placeholder="Full Name" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" /><input name="your-email" size="40" type="email" value="" placeholder="Email Address" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" /><input id="FullName" name="your-inquiry" size="40" type="text" value="" placeholder="Your Inquiry" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" /><textarea cols="40" name="your-message" rows="10" placeholder="Write Here..." aria-invalid="false"></textarea> <input type="submit" value="Send Message" /> Hello i'm <h2>Engr. Ahmed Goni Chowdhury</h2> <h3 class="LC20lb MBeuO DKV0Md">Chief Executive Officer (CEO)</h3> <ul> <li> <h3>Department:</h3> Engineer</li> <li> <h3>Experience:</h3> 10 Years</li> <li> <h3>Email:</h3> ahmed@hayatisoftcorporation.com</li> </ul>

Engr. Jahir Abbas Qadery

Manager Procurement

Engr. Jahir Abbas Qadery

Manager Procurement

Uttam Kumar

Manager Supply Chain

Uttam Kumar

Manager Supply Chain

Elements Name

Web Developer

Elements Name

Web Developer

Elements Name

Web Developer
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