Geophysical Monitoring

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Geophysical Monitoring

Luna Innovation’s fiber optic-based Geophysical Monitoring solution can detect and analyze seismic activity in real-time. It allows for the precise measurement of ground motion, facilitating early earthquake warning systems and structural health monitoring of dams, bridges, buildings and infrastructure.

Geophysical monitoring with Fiber Optic Sensing is revolutionizing how we gather critical data about our environment and infrastructure. Its sensitivity, real-time capabilities, and non-intrusive nature make it a powerful tool for various applications. Partner with Luna Innovations to harness the full potential of this technology and ensure the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of your projects.

OptaSense provides cutting-edge border security solutions and perimeter surveillance systems that safeguard your infrastructure and assets using advanced distributed acoustic sensing technology capable of identifying and locating multiple threats in real time, with point-locating capabilities to 10m.

Our Solutions & Benefits

High Sensitivity
Luna’s fiber optic sensing technology offers unparalleled sensitivity, allowing for the detection of subtle changes in physical parameters, even over long distances.

Real-time Data
The Luna Geophysical Monitoring solution provides real-time data, enabling swift response to changing conditions and potential hazards.

Unlike traditional monitoring methods, fiber optic sensing is non-intrusive, reducing the impact on the environment and structures being monitored.

Cost Effictive
Luna’s fiber optic sensing technology offers a cost-effective solution for long-term monitoring, as it requirea minimal maintenance and has a long lifespan.